Bible Outline: Hebrew Scriptures

Bible Outline: Hebrew Scriptures

Note:  This outline comes from
Bible verse references are accurate. The overall tone of the outline is evangelical. Nevertheless, it offers an excellent summary of the events chronicled in the Hebrew Scriptures.  The prophets are summarized in chronological order. There is no copyright notice on this page.

Purpose of Outline: With all of the prophets bundled out of order in the middle of the Bible, the purpose of this outline is to briefly summarize major biblical events and place the prophets into a chronological context.


   ADAM & EVE: God creates all the universe in six days. [Genesis 1-2] Satan tempts Eve. Adam and Eve sin and bring death into the world. [Genesis 3]

  CAIN & ABEL: Eve gives birth to two sons. Abel does what is right. Cain kills his brother Abel. [Genesis 4:1-15] Cain marries and builds a city for his family line. [Genesis 4:16-17]

  SETH: Adam and Eve have another son born to them. [Genesis 4:25-26] Seth fathers a family line [Genesis 5] Contrast to Cain’s family line. [Genesis 4:17-24]

  NOAH: A descendant of Seth. [Genesis 5:28-32] Because of man’s violence, God flooded the earth. God saved only Noah’s family and two of every animal. [Genesis 6:5-8:14]

  TOWER OF BABEL: God creates languages and nations from the descendants of Noah. [Genesis 11:1-9]


The Nation of Israel

   ABRAHAM AND SARAH: Abram is born to Terah. [Genesis 11:26] God promises to make a nation out of Abram’s descendants in the land of Canaan. [Genesis 12:1-5] Abram rescues his nephew, Lot, who was taken captive during a war [Genesis 14:1-16] Ishmael is born to Abram from Sarah’s Egyptian servant. [Genesis 16]
God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah. [Genesis 18:16-19:29] Isaac is born to Abram and Sarah. [Genesis 21:1-20]

  ISAAC AND REBEKAH: Esau and Jacob are born as twins to Isaac and Rebekah. [Genesis 25:20-26]

  JACOB: Jacob covets the right of the firstborn while his brother Esau despises it and sells it to Jacob [Genesis 25:27-34]. Jacob wrestles with God as a man. God changes his name to Israel (meaning, struggles with God). [Genesis 32:22-31]

  12 SONS OF ISRAEL: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph and Benjamin. [Genesis 35:23-26] Edom: Esau’s descendants become the nation of Edom. [Genesis 36]

  ISRAEL IN EGYPT: Joseph’s ten older brothers sell him into slavery. [Genesis 37:12-36] Joseph is elevated from a prisoner to second in charge in the land of Egypt. [Genesis 39-41] Joseph has two sons in Egypt, Manasseh and Ephraim [Genesis 41:50-52] Joseph’s brothers encounter their brother in Egypt while seeking food because of a famine. [Genesis 42-44] Joseph forgives his brothers [Genesis 45] The family of Israel settles in Egypt and increase in number. [Genesis 47:27] Israel blesses the two sons of Jacob, Ephraim and Manasseh. [Genesis 48] Israel blesses his own twelve sons. [Genesis 49] Israel prophecies that the Messiah will be from the line of Judah. [Genesis 49:9-12]

  MOSES: The Israelites multiply in Egypt as a new Pharaoh ascends to the throne. [Exodus 1:1-25] Moses is raised in Pharaoh’s household. [Exodus 2:1-8] He flees Egypt after killing an Egyptian. [Exodus 2:11-25]
God appears to Moses in a burning bush. [Exodus:3] God assists Moses in delivering the Israelites out of Egypt through miracles and plagues. [Exodus 4-15] God institutes the Passover before delivering Israel out of Egypt. [Exodus 12]
God gives the Ten Commandments to Moses to deliver to Israel. [Exodus 19-20]

  THE TABERNACLE: God instructs Moses to have Israel build a tabernacle. [Exodus 25]

  PRIESTHOOD AND SACRIFICES: God requires animal sacrifices and offerings to be made on behalf of Israel. [Leviticus 1-7] God anoints Aaron high priest over the nation of Israel. The priesthood was to pass to Aaron’s sons. [Leviticus 8-9]

  40 YEARS IN WILDERNESS: God promises to bring Israel into the land of Canaan. Twelve men go to spy out the land. [Numbers 13] Israel is afraid and unwilling to enter the promised land. God declares that that generation will not enter. After 40 years, a more faithful generation will enter. [Numbers 14]

  THE PROPHET BALAAM: Balak, King of Moab desires Balaam to curse Israel so he could defeat them. [Numbers 22:1-8]
The Talking Donkey: God miraculously allows a donkey to talk to the stubborn Balaam. [Numbers 22:15-21] God appears to Balaam and orders him not to curse Israel but to bless Israel. Balaam reluctantly obeys. [Numbers 22:22-24:25] Balaam successfully tempted many Israelites to worship Moabite gods to force God to curse Israel. [Numbers 25:1-3] Balaam is slain by the Israelites. [Numbers 31:1-8]

  JOSHUA: Moses dies. [Deuteronomy 34] God appoints Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land. [Joshua 1:1-9] Rahab harbors the Israelite spies. [Joshua 2]
The sun stands still: Joshua asks the sun to stand still to lengthen the day so he can finish a war against the Amorites. [Joshua 10] The Israelites settle in the cities of the nations they conquered. [Joshua 13-22] Joshua dies. [Joshua 24:29]


The Judges of Israel

   OTHNIEL: Defeated Chushanrishathaim, King of Mesopotamia. [Judges 3:10]

  EHUD: Killed Eglon, King of Moab – [Judges 3:21]

  SHAGMAR: Led a battle against the Philistines, killing 600 men. [Judges 3:31]

  DEBORAH: Prophesied a woman would kill Sisera, a general of the King of Canaan which was fulfilled. [Judges 4-5]

  GIDEON: With 300 men, Gideon slaughtered 120,000 Midianites. 15,000 fled. [Judges 6-8]

  ABIMELECH: Kills 70 of his brothers. The city of Shechem declares Abimelech King. He ruled Israel 3 years. [Judges 9]

  TOLA: He judged Israel for 23 years. [Judges 10:1-2]

  JAIR: He judged Israel 22 years. He had 30 sons who ruled 30 cities. [Judges 10:3-5]

  JEPHTAH: Defeated 20 Ammonite cities. He sacrificed his daughter because of a foolish vow. [Judges 10:17-:12:7]

  The life of Ruth: A Moabite Woman is the great-grandmother of King David. [Ruth 4:13-22]

  IBZAN: He judged Israel for seven years and had 30 sons. [Judges 12:8-15]

  ELON: Elon judged Israel 10 years [Judges 12:11]

  ABDON: Abdon judged Israel 8 years. He had forty sons and thirty grandsons. [Judges 12:12-15]

  SAMSON: Has supernatural strength provided he not cut his hair. He saved Israel from the Philistines. [Judges 13-16]

  Micah’s Idols: Micah makes a shrine to many idols. Meanwhile the tribe of Dan seeks a place to settle. [Judges 17-18] While they travel, they steal Micah’s idols and burn his city. Then they rebuild the city, calling it Dan and settled there. Dan became a place of idol worship until the time of the captivity.

  War against Benjamin: Israel goes to war against Benjamin, leaving Benjamin with only 600 men. [Judges 19-21]

  ELI: A Priest judges Israel. [1 Samuel 1:9]

  SAMUEL: Samuel is raised by Eli. [1 Samuel 1-3]

  ARK OF THE COVENANT IS CAPTURED: Eli dies upon hearing the news. Samuel becomes Judge. [1 Samuel 4] God plagues the Philistines for setting the ark in the temple of Dagon, so they return the ark. [1 Samuel 6-7] Israel asks Samuel to annoint them a king to be like the other nations. [1 Samuel 8:5-20]


The Kings of Israel

   SAUL: Samuel anoints Saul as Israel’s King. [1 Samuel 11:15] Because of Saul’s disobedience, God promises to take the kingdom away from him. [1 Samuel 15:28]

  DAVID: A young boy is anointed by Samuel to succeed Saul as King. [1 Samuel 16:12-13] David defeats Goliath, the Philistine Giant. [1 Samuel 17] Friendship of David and Jonathon, Saul’s son. [1 Samuel 18:1-3] Saul continually attempts to kill David. [1 Samuel 19-24] Samuel dies. [1 Samuel 25:1] Saul and Jonathon are killed in battle. [1 Samuel 31:1-6] David becomes king. [2 Samuel 2:1-5] He goes to battle against several nations. [2 Samuel 2-10]
David defeats the Jebusites and establishes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. [2 Samuel 5:6-7]

  THE PROPHET NATHAN: He prophesies to David that his throne will endure forever. [2 Samuel 7:16] David commits adultery with Bathsheba. He puts her husband on the front lines of battle to have him killed. [2 Samuel 11] David dies. [1 Kings 2:10]

  SOLOMON: Solomon Becomes king. [1 Kings 2:12] God grants Solomon wisdom, riches and peace. [1 Kings 3:3-15] Solomon builds the temple in Jerusalem. Completed in 7 years. [1 Kings 6:1-38] Queen of Sheba visits Solomon to hear his wisdom. [1 Kings 10] Solomon sins and worships other false gods. [1 Kings 11]


Israel is Divided Between Two Kings

   THE PROPHET AHIJAH tells Jeroboam that God will divide Israel and cause him to reign over ten tribes. [1 Kings 11:28-40] Solomon dies. [1 Kings 11:43] 10 Tribes of Israel rebel against Solomon’s son and split from Judah. [1 Kings 12] The ten larger tribes form the kingdom of Israel (Samaria). Judah and Benjamin form the southern kingdom of Judah.

The Prophets Speak Out

   THE PROPHET ELIJAH: Elijah prophecies of a drought in the land. [1 Kings 17:1, 18:41-45] Elijah miraculously increases the starving widow’s food rations and raises her dead son to life. [1 Kings 17:8-24] The contest at Mount Carmel with 450 prophets of Baal. [1 Kings 18:7-40] Jezebel has Naboth murdered and steals his vineyard for Ahab. Elijah prophecies of Ahab and Jezebel’s death. [1 Kings 21]

  THE PROPHET ELISHA: Elisha witnesses God take Elijah up into heaven in a chariot of fire and horses of fire. [2 Kings 2:1-11] Elisha miraculously fills empty jars with oil for an indebted widow and her sons. [2 Kings 4:1-7] Elisha raises a woman’s dead son to life. [2 Kings 4:8-37] Elisha multiplies 20 loaves for 100 men. [2 Kings 4:42-44] Elisha heals Naaman of leprosy. [2 Kings 5:1-27] Elisha makes a lost axhead float. [2 Kings 6:1-6] Elisha blinds the entire Aramean army. [2 Kings 6:8-22]

  THE PROPHET JONAH: Jonah prophesied that the boundaries of Israel would be restored. Fulfilled by Jeroboam II. [2 Kings 14:25] Jonah is swallowed by a whale after he resists God’s call to preach repentance in Nineveh. After three days of being in the belly of a whale, Jonah repents and the whale spits him out. Jonah preaches to the city of Nineveh and they repent, sparing themselves from God’s wrath. [Jonah 1-4]

  THE PROPHET AMOS: Amos prophecies judgment on the nations. [Amos 1-2] Judgment against Israel. [Amos 2:6-6] Amos prophesies against the King of Israel, Jeroboam. [Amos 7:7-17] The Lord prophecies that the sinners of Israel will be destroyed. [Amos 9:1-10] God promises to restore the land the remnant of the nations who bear the name of the Lord. [Amos 9:11-15]

  THE PROPHET HOSEA: God appoints Hosea to marry a whore to show Israel to whom God is married. [Hosea 1] Israel is an adulterous whore who will be punished. But of those that return and seek God he will reward them with eternal kindness.

  THE PROPHET ISAIAH: Judah and Jerusalem are rebellious. [Isaiah 1-5] Isaiah sees the Lord seated on his throne. [Isaiah 6]. Prophecy against the Kings of Aram and Ephraim (Israel). [Isaiah 7] The Messiah will reign on David’s throne forever. [Isaiah 9] Woe and Judgement on many nations, but Israel will be delivered. [Isaiah 14-37] Isaiah ministers to King Hezekiah. [Isaiah 38] God himself will be Israel’s savior. [Isaiah 43] Babylon will fall, but God will restore Israel. [Isaiah 47-49] The Messiah will suffer and bear the sin of many. [Isaiah 54] God will build Jerusalem again. [Isaiah 54] God invites the thirsty to receive his blessings. [Isaiah 55] Prophecies of Salvation and Judgement. [Isaiah 65-66]

  THE PROPHET MICAH: Micah’s most notable prophecy concerns the birth of the messiah in Bethlehem of Judah. [Micah 5]



   SHALMANESER, King of Assyria, sieges Samaria and deports the Israelites to Assyria. [2 Kings 17:3-6] Shalmaneser brings in other people to settle Samaria. Samaria becomes thoroughly mixed with other nations. [2 Kings 17:24-40]

  THE PROPHET ZEPHANIAH: Zephaniah pronounces judgement on the idolatrous nation of Judah. [Zephaniah 1] Zephaniah pronounces judgement on many nations. [Zephaniah 2-3:8] The end result is that the nations will be purified, and Jerusalem will be restored. [Zephaniah 3:9-20]

  THE PROPHET JEREMIAH: God admonishes Judah to repent. [Jeremiah 2-24] Jeremiah prophecies that the nations will be subservient to Babylon for 70 years. [Jeremiah 25:9-12] Jerusalem will be a desolation until the end of Babylon’s 70-year reign. [Jeremiah 29:10] God promises to bring back, both Israel and Judah from their captivity. [Jeremiah 30-33] Jeremiah is persecuted and imprisoned. [Jeremiah 36-38] Jeremiah prophesies judgment on many nations, including Babylon. [Jeremiah 46-51]

  THE PROPHET NAHUM: At Jonah’s preaching Nineveh repented. However, many years later it reverted back into wickedness. The prophet Nahum is sent to prophecy of God’s judgement on Nineveh. It will be destroyed.

  THE PROPHET HABAKKUK: Habakkuk pleads to God, why is God’s law ignored and the evildoers prosper? God answers by declaring that he will bring the Babylonians to punish Judah.

  THE PROPHET OBADIAH: The house of Esau shall be stubble, but the house of Jacob will be a fire. [Obadiah 1:18] Those who choose to sell their right to salvation are typified through Esau who sold his inheritance and birthright. Jacob coveted the birthright and acted shrewdly to take it from his brother.
Rise of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon. [2 Kings 24:1-7] The King of Babylon makes Jehoiakim a vassal for three years [2 Kings 24:1] and besieges Jerusalem. [Daniel 1:1] Jehoiakim rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar after three years. [2 Kings 24:1] He reigned eleven years. [2 Kings 23:36]

  THE PROPHET DANIEL: Daniel is carried captive to Babylon. [Daniel 1:3-7] Daniel prophesies the rise of four kingdoms, which will ultimately be divided to ten kings. [Daniel 2] The four Kingdoms are understood to be Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The Ten Kings according to a cross-reference of Revelation “have not yet come” [Revelation 17:12] Nebuchadnezzar has a vision that he will be cut down for a time and allowed to return. [Daniel 4] Although immediately fulfilled within 7 years, it is further reaching. Cross-reference Rev. 13: “The Beast whose deadly wound was healed”, and Rev. 17: “Mystery Babylon the Great”. Babylon will be burned with fire at the end of the age. [Revelation 17:16]

  THE PROPHET EZEKIEL: Ezekiel is among the captives in Babylon. [Ezekiel 1:1] Ezekiel has a vision of the Lord seated upon his throne surrounded by four living creatures.[Ezekiel 1] Ezekiel lays on his left side 390 days, and on his right side for 40 days to portray and bear the sins of Israel and Judah. [Ezekiel 4] God promises to rule over Israel and gather them from out of every nation. [Ezekiel 20:33-38] Ezekiel prophesies against the King of Tyre [Ezekiel 26-28] Ezekiel prophesies against Pharaoh, King of Egypt [Ezekiel 29-32] Ezekiel prophesies concerning dead men’s bones. God will bring life to the dead nation of Israel. [Ezekiel 37] Ezekiel prophesies against Gog, typifying the final encounter Israel will have against a heathen nation and king. [Ezekiel 38-39] Ezekiel prophesies of a new temple that will be built. [Ezekiel 40-48] It was never physically constructed and probably symbolizes the temple that God is building in the hearts of believers. Our bodies are temples for God’s holy spirit. [1 Corinthians 6:19]


The Kingdom of Judah Goes Into Captivity

   ZEDEKIAH becomes Judah’s last king. He reigns eleven years. [2 Kings 24:17-18] Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar. [2 Kings 24:20] Jerusalem is destroyed. [2 Kings 25:8-10] Jeremiah witnesses the burning of Jerusalem. [Jeremiah 39-45]


The Babylonian Empire

   NEBUCHADNEZZAR: Brought an end to the Kingdom of Judah. [2 Kings 25:1-7] God humbles Nebuchadnezzar by removing his sanity and causing him to live among the beasts of the earth. [Daniel 4]

  EVIL-MERODACH: Becomes King in the 37th year of Judah’s exile. [2 Kings 25:27]

  BELSHAZZAR: King of Babylon during the Persian invasion. Belshazzar sees the handwriting on the wall during a banquet with the gold stolen from the temple of Jerusalem. [Daniel 5:1-5] Daniel interprets the vision. Babylon is to be given over to the Medes and Persians. [Daniel 5:10-28]

  END OF BABYLON’S 70 YEARS: That night Belshazzar was slain and Darius the Mede took over Babylon. [Daniel 5:30-31] Fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy. [II Chronicles 36:21]


The Medo-Persian Empire

   DARIUS: Darius the Mede takes over Babylon. [Daniel 5:30-31] He throws Daniel in the lion’s den [Daniel 6]

  CYRUS: King of Persia, proclaims that the Jews rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. [II Chronicles 36:22] Zerubbabel returns with thousands of Jews to Judah [Ezra 2] and lays the foundation of the temple in Jerusalem. [Ezra 3:8-13] Enemies of Judah oppose the construction of the temple in Jerusalem and halt its progress for several years. [Ezra 4]

  THE PROPHET HAGGAI: Prophesies that the Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt. [Ezra 5:1] [Haggai 1-2]

  THE PROPHET ZECHARIAH: Prophesies that Zerubbabel will finish the temple. [Zechariah 4:6-9] Zechariah delivers several other prophesies and foretells events in the life of the coming Messiah. Temple in Jerusalem is completed. [Ezra 6:13-15]

  EZRA: Ezra arrives in Jerusalem [Ezra 7:8-9] and gives the people guidance and prays for them. [Ezra 9]

  NEHEMIAH: Nehemiah orchestrates the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. [Nehemiah 2:11-18]

  QUEEN ESTHER: King Ahasuerus is pleased with Esther’s beauty during a beauty contest and chooses her to be queen over Persia. Haman held a prominent authority and demanded that his subjects bow to him. The Jews would not bow to Haman. Haman plotted to kill all the Jews. Queen Esther feared because she was a Jew also. But she was successful in persuading the King to murder Haman and allow the Jews to live.

  THE PROPHET JOEL: The theme of Joel’s message is that the Day of the Lord’s judgement is coming. But before that terrible day the Lord will pour out his Spirit and whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Then God will punish the nations for mistreating Israel.

  THE PROPHET MALACHI: God’s name shall be great among the gentiles. [Malachi 1] God will visit his people. [Malachi 3:1] Before the Lord comes to judge the earth, he will send Elijah the prophet to turn the hearts of many. [Malachi 4:5-6] Jesus reasoned that John the Baptist fulfilled Malachi’s prophecy as the Elijah who was to come. [Matthew 11:13-14]


The Greek Empire

   The Greek empire was prophesied by Daniel to rise to power after the Persians. “Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than them all; by his strength, through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece. 3 Then a mighty king shall arise, who shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will.” [Daniel 11:2-3] The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. [Daniel 8:20] And the male goat is the kingdom of Greece. [Daniel 8:21]


The Roman Empire

   AUGUSTUS CAESAR: Augustus ruled Rome during the birth of Jesus Christ. [Luke 2:1]

  TIBERIUS CAESAR: During the reign of Tiberius, Jesus Christ begins his earthly ministry. [Luke 3]